History of Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations, full-time, second cycle
In power from: 10 Dec 2024
Registration criteria
Admission rules for candidates with Polish diplomas
The admission procedure will be assessed from the results of the interview based on a topic selected by the candidate from the list of ten broad topics regarding the history, culture and religion of ancient Mediterranean and Mesopotamian civilizations:
- Diversity of political systems of the Greek poleis of the Archaic period.
- Athenian democracy in action: Institutions of the Athenian polis in modern research and in primary sources.
- Power and subjects: The diversity of the Achaemenid Empire
- The symptoms of change in the Hellenistic period based on chosen examples.
- Tradition and innovation in the political practice of the Late Roman Republic.
- Imperial ideology in antiquity based on selected examples.
- The Roman state and non-traditional cults.
- Crisis of the third century CE and its significance in politics, culture and religion.
- When does the ancient world end?
- The periods of the “dark ages,” or how archeology builds knowledge about a period without written sources.
The interview will take place online, and will be held in English.
Candidates will be assessed on a scale from 0 to 100 points. The interview begins with a 5–10 minutes discussion of the candidate’s chosen topic. Use of a multimedia slide show is permitted. After discussing the topic, committee members ask broad problem-oriented questions for approximately 20–25 minutes.
Subject to evaluation are: the candidate’s command of the basic primary and secondary sources on the chosen subject – the accuracy of the selection of the most important primary and secondary sources, knowledge of the broad context of the topic, and proficiency in English.
The first round of the admissions procedure will be open to any student in the last year of higher education, registered in the IRK system.
Admission to the full-time M.A.-level programme will be contingent upon obtaining a minimum of 30 points from the interview and submitting a set of required documents, including a university diploma, within the prescribed period. If the limit of places is not met, a second round of admissions will be conducted. Only university graduates will be able to participate. As in the first round, the condition for admission to full-time M.A.-level programme will be contingent upon obtaining a minimum of 30 points from the interview and the submission of a set of documents, including a university diploma, within the prescribed period.
Failure to achieve the minimum number of points at the interview results in the award of 0 (zero) points from the entire procedure and disqualification of the candidate.
Admission procedure for candidates with foreign diplomas
The same rules apply as for candidates with a diploma obtained in Poland.
Checking the candidates' language competence
A positive result of the qualifications procedure is tantamount to confirmation of the candidate’s competence to study in English at the above-mentioned programme (this applies to candidates who do not have a document recognized by the University of Warsaw confirming their command of English at least at B2 level).
Information on documents certifying knowledge of English language. >> Check! <<
Qualification interview: 16th-17th of July, 2025
Announcement of results: 21st of July, 2025
Reception of documents:
- I round: 23rd-25th of July, 2025
- II round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during I round): 28th-29th of July, 2025
- III round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during II round): 30th-31st of July, 2025
- additional rounds will be announced in case of not fulfilling the limits
Required documents
List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies
Additional information
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