International Legal Communication, full-time, second cycle

In power from: 10 Dec 2024

Registration criteria

Admission rules for candidates with Polish diplomas

Candidates with a master's, bachelor's, engineer's degree, or equivalent, obtained in any field of study, may apply for admission.

Admission to the studies will be based on a qualifying interview, aiming to assess the candidate's predispositions, including the evaluation of academic, scientific and professional achievements, as well as communication skills and motivation for pursuing studies.

During the qualifying interview, the overall knowledge about the significance of communication in the field of law will be assessed (one general question about the candidate's interests and another about the importance and critical evaluation of communication in the realm of law creation, application of law or relationships between lawyers and laypersons). The following will be evaluated: argumentation skills, understanding of the problem and communication competencies - 0-50 points for each element of the interview.

The minimum number of points required to pass the interview is 60 points. Failure to attend the qualifying interview results in disqualification of the candidate and assigning 0 points in the qualification process.

The maximum number of points to be obtained in the recruitment process is 100, with a minimum of 60 points required for admission to the studies.

Based on the results of the qualification process, the recruitment committee creates a ranking list, determining the order of admission to the studiesin within the limit of available spots.

General Question on Candidate's Interests:

Importance and Critical Assessment of Communication in the Legal Sphere:


Admission rules for candidates with foreign diplomas

The same rules apply as for candidates with a degree obtained in Poland.

Checking the candidates' competence to undertake studies conducted in the English language

In the qualification process for second-degree studies conducted in English, candidates are required to present a document recognized by the University of Warsaw certyfying proficiency in the English language at least at the B2 level.

In case of a lack of documents confirming proficiency in English at the B2 level (in accordance with the requirements specified in the general recruitment resolution), the candidate's language skills will be assessed during the qualifying interview for the studies.

A positive result in the qualification procedure confirms the candidate's competence for studying in English in the mentioned field.

Confirmation by the recruitment committee of sufficient proficiency in the English language is a condition for allowing the candidate to proceed with further recruitment proceedings. Failure to achieve the minimum number of points required to pass the interview results in disqualification of the candidate.

Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<



Date of an interview: 16th-17th of July, 2025

Announcement of results: 22nd of July, 2025

Reception of documents: 



Application fee

Student's ID payment (ELS)

The studies are payable - tuition fees


Required documents

List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies


Additional information

Find us on the map: Faculty of Applied Linguistics