Interdisciplinary Studies on Social Change: Mediterranean and Other European Borderlands, full-time, second cycle

In power from: 19 Aug 2025

Registration criteria

Limit of places

 places in the first round of enrollment conducted in June-July

 places in the second round of enrollment conducted in August-September


Admission rules for candidates with Polish diplomas

Qualification threshold: 60 points

Studies are intended for candidates holding a bachelor’s, master’s or engineer’s degree (or their equivalent) with at least good overall grade on the diploma - cf. pt 1*, or for candidates who are just before thesis defense - cf. pt 2**.

1*. Candidates holding one of the above-mentioned degrees, or a thesis defense certificate containing information on the overall grade on the diploma confirmed by their home university, upload the scan of the document to their personal IRK (Internet Recruitment of Candidates system) registration account.

2**. Candidates who are just before thesis defense, upload to their personal IRK registration account the scan of certificate issued by their home university, confirming the planned date of their thesis defense and containing information on their grade point average for the entire period of studies. Those candidates are obliged to present (by uploading to their personal registration account in IRK system) the original diploma or a thesis defense certificate containing information on the overall grade on the diploma confirmed by their home university, no later than 12 o’clock on the day preceding the interview.

Failure to upload the scan of document confirming the overall grade on the diploma to IRK system within the indicated period will result in candidate’s disqualification and awarding 0 points to them in the recruitment procedure.

The qualification procedure includes:

  1.  interview
  2.  overall grade on the diploma (bachelor’s / master’s / engineer’s degree, or their equivalent)

The purpose of the interview is to verify the level of comprehension of selected texts put forward by the examination board*, the ability to discuss them freely in the English language and the ability to draw conclusions regarding cultural and social status of contemporary Poland and of the region which is the subject of studies.

*The list of texts from which the candidate picks three to be the base for the interview will be published by the examination board at a later date.

Evaluating the candidate’s interview, the examination board will take the following criteria into consideration:

It is possible to obtain a maximum of 80 points during the interview.

It is required to obtain no less than 50 points during the interview in order to consider it successful.

Obtaining less than 50 points during the interview, results in candidate’s disqualification and awarding 0 points to them in the recruitment procedure.

For the overall grade on the diploma the candidate can obtain:

Neither satisfactory plus grade, nor satisfactory grade qualifies to apply for admission to the second cycle studies Interdisciplinary Studies on Social Change: Mediterranean and Other European Borderlands.

Candidate may obtain a maximum of 100 points in the qualification procedure.

Sum of points obtained during two stages of the qualification procedure determines the candidate’s position on the ranking list.


Admission procedure for candidates with foreign diplomas

Qualification threshold: 60 points

Same rules apply as for candidates with diplomas obtained in Poland.

Results on foreign diplomas will be adjusted accordingly to the grade scale presented in the recruitment procedures for candidates with diplomas obtained in Poland.


Checking the Candidates' competences to undertake studies conducted in English language

Candidates are obliged to present a document recognized by the University of Warsaw confirming their command of the English language at least at the B2 level. In case the candidate does not have a document confirming their English language command, the examination board will verify the candidate’s language competence to study at the Interdisciplinary Studies on Social Change: Mediterranean and Other European Borderlands course of study during the interview. Examination board verifies the ability to formulate verbal statements, as well as the ability to communicate in English, including having an academic discussion.

Positive result of qualification procedure means confirming the candidate’s ability to undertake studies conducted in English at least at the B2 level.

Information on documents certifying knowledge of English language. >> Check! <<



The exam: 22nd of September, 2025

Announcement of results: 24th of September, 2025

Reception of documents: 



Application fee

Student's ID payment (ELS)

The studies are payable for citizens of Non-UE/EFTA countries (EEA parties) and Switzerland - tuition fees


Required documents

List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies


Additional information

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