Cognitive Science, full-time, second cycle
In power from: 3 Dec 2024
Registration criteria
Limit of places
20 places in the Phase 1 (June/July)
12 places in the Phase 2 (August/September)
Admission rules for candidates with Polish diplomas
1) Eligibility rules
Applicants with a Bachelor's, Master's, Engineer's or equivalent degree in any field of study may apply for admission to second-cycle studies in Cognitive Science. Recruitment is a two-stage process. The first stage verifies knowledge of the contents of selected textbooks in Cognitive Science, and the second stage verifies understanding and critical analysis of selected scientific texts (articles). A candidate's score below the eligibility threshold in either stage of the recruitment procedure results in the final total score of 0 (zero) points.
a) Written exam
Candidates take a written qualifying exam in the form of an online test in English. The written exam covers the content of the readings (textbooks in cognitive science), a list of which will be published on the Internet Recruitment of Candidates website and on the study website.
The maximum possible score in the test is 100. Candidates with the best results, whose number does not exceed twice the current quota of places, will be qualified for the next stage, with the requirement of obtaining at least 50% in the test.
b) Oral exam
The oral exam is conducted online in English and concerns one of the scientific articles read by the candidate, a list of which will be published on the Internet Recruitment of Candidates website and on the study website.
The examination board can award a maximum of 50 points for each of the following aspects of the candidate’s performance:
- comprehension of a scientific paper;
- its critical analysis.
To assess whether candidates have read the paper with understanding, the examination board will ask questions requiring the candidate to explain the hypotheses posed in the paper, their grounding in theory, the research methods used, or statistical analyses applied.
In order to assess whether candidates are able to reflect critically on the text they have read, they will be asked to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the study presented in the paper and to formulate a personal opinion on it, together with arguments to justify the candidate's opinion.
The maximum score in the oral exam is 100. Within the current quota of places, candidates with the highest total scores (written exam score plus oral exam score) will be admitted to the programme, with a minimum of obtaining at least 60% in the oral exam.
Admission rules for candidates with foreign diplomas
The same rules apply as for candidates with a diploma obtained in Poland.
Checking the candidates' competence to undertake studies conducted in the English language
Applicants are required to provide a document, recognised by the University of Warsaw, confirming their knowledge of English on at least B2 level.
Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<
Date of written exam: 14th of July, 2025
Date of oral exam: 16th-17th of July, 2025
Announcement of results: 22nd of July, 2025
Reception of documents:
- I round: 23rd-25th of July, 2025
- II round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during I round): 28th-29th of July, 2025
- III round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during II round): 30th-31st of July, 2025
The studies are payable for citizens of Non-UE/EFTA countries (EEA parties) and Switzerland - tuition fees
Required documents
List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies
Additional information
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