Language Science and Technology, full-time, second cycle
In power from: 12 Dec 2024
Registration criteria
Admission rules for candidates with Polish diplomas
Eligible candidates should hold a Master's, Bachelor's, Engineer's or equivalent degree awarded in the field of study which provides basic knowledge and skills in linguistics (applied linguistics, philology, cognitive studies, psychology, or related programmes during which the student attended courses in language processing, psycholinguistics, linguistic theory, linguistic research methods and/or neurobiological bases of language, etc. for a total of at least 20 ECTS credits).
Student recruitment will be carried out in two rounds:
1. Preliminary qualification of the candidate will be based on the submitted documents including a brief research proposal written in English.
Required documents: Bachelor's or Master's degree diploma (see above). Documents certifying knowledge of English at an advanced level (C1). Scans of the documents certifying that the candidate has sufficient language skills should be uploaded to the candidate’s account in the IRK system.
The research proposal in the field of linguistics should be presented in the form of an abstract (word count: min. 300 max. 500). The proposal can be related to any linguistic topic and may involve any type of research methodology (e.g. qualitative or quantitative research). It should include a clearly formulated research question and/or hypothesis, information on the planned methodology and a list of relevant references to the literature related to the chosen topic.
The following aspects of the proposal will be evaluated: relevance of the research problem (0-10 pts), clarity of the presentation and the implementation of the research idea (10 pts), description of previous research and literature on the topic (0-10 pts).
Failure to submit a description of the research proposal in the IRK system by the end of the registration period will result in disqualification of the applicant. Candidates who score at least 10 points for the research proposal will be qualified for the second round of recruitment.
2. An Interview conducted in English, in which a candidate presents his/her research proposal using multimedia tools, followed by the discussion of the proposed research topic and related issues in linguistics.
The purpose of the interview is to assess the candidate's aptitude, to evaluate their presentation skills and communicative competence in English, and to probe the basic knowledge of linguistics.
The presentation should be prepared in any multimedia format (e.g. PowerPoint, Canva) and contain a maximum of 7 slides. The presentation will be held in English and should invite insight and discussion of the research proposal.
The following elements are assessed during the interview:
ability to use multimedia and technology (based on the candidate's presentation, 10 points)
presentation skills (10 points)
communication and language skills (10 points)
candidate’s aptitude for the field of study, based on discussion and follow-up questions related to the research proposal (10 points)
candidate’s qualifications, including methodological preparation, logical and critical thinking, and theoretical knowledge (10 points)
The minimum number of points required to pass the interview is 20 points. Failure to attend the interview will result in the disqualification of the candidate with 0 points awarded in the recruitment procedure.
The maximum number of points to be scored in the admissions process is 80, with 30 points for round 1 and 50 points for round 2. The minimal number of points required for admission is 48 (60%).
Based on the results of the admission procedure, the admission committee establishes a ranking list, which determines the order in which candidates will be admitted to studies within the limit of places.
Admission rules for candidates with foreign diplomas
The same rules apply as for candidates with a diploma obtained in Poland.
Checking the candidates' competence to undertake studies conducted in the English language
In order to undertake MA studies conducted in English, candidates are required to submit a document recognised by the University of Warsaw confirming the level of English language proficiency at least C1 level.
In the absence of documents confirming English language proficiency at least C1 level (in accordance with the requirements detailed in the general part of the admissions rules), candidate’s proficiency will be verified during the interview.
A positive outcome of the selection procedure is tantamount to confirmation of the candidate's competence to study in English.
Confirmation of sufficient English proficiency by the selection committee is a requirement for the candidate's admission to the recruitment procedure. A candidate who does not score the minimum number of points necessary to pass the interview will receive a qualification result of 0 (zero) points on the final ranking list and will not be admitted to the programme.
Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<
Date of an interview: 16th-17th of July, 2025
Announcement of results: 22nd of July, 2025
Reception of documents:
- I round: 23rd-25th of July, 2025
- II round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during I round): 28th-29th of July, 2025
- III round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during II round): 30th-31st of July, 2025
- additional rounds will be announced in case of not fulfilling the limits
The studies are payable - tuition fees
Required documents
List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies
Additional information
Find us on the map: Faculty of Applied Linguistics