Oriental Studies - Inner Asia: Mongolian and Tibetan Studies, full-time, second cycle
In power from: 13 Dec 2024
Registration criteria
Admission procedure for candidates with Polish diplomas
Holders of bachelor, master, engineer etc. degree certificates (diplomas) or equivalents may apply for admission to the first year of the second-cycles studies program.
At the first stage of the recruitment procedure, candidates are required to give an interview in order to check their English proficiency. Positive results of the interview qualify candidates for further recruitment procedure. Candidates who present documents which can be accepted by the University of Warsaw confirming their English language proficiency of at least B2 level are exempted from the interview.
At the second stage of the recruitment process:
- candidates possessing a degree certificate (diploma) of completion of Bachelor degree in the field of Oriental studies, specialization in Mongolian and Tibetan studies or Oriental studies-Mongolian and Tibetan studies, obtained during full-time studies or part-time studies shall expect that their
- overall grade point on the diploma
- grade point average (GPA) for the entire period of studies
will be considered.
2. candidates possessing diploma of completion of other studies than those mentioned in the point no.1 shall expect that their
a. overall grade point on the diploma
b. grade point in the Mongolian or Tibetan language oral examination
will be considered.
Method of calculating the recruitment points:
The candidate may obtain maximum of 200 points, which is the sum of particular elements of the qualification procedure.
1. Method of converting grade points from the diploma and the grade point average (GPA) for the entire period of studies for candidates with a diploma of full-time or part-time first-cycle studies in Oriental Studies, specialization in Mongolian and Tibetan studies:
a. overall grade point on the diploma
- very good (5) - 100 points
- good plus (4+) - 92.5 points
- good (4) - 85 points
- sufficient plus (3+) - 72.5 points
- satisfactory (3) - 60 points
b. the grade point average (GPA) of the entire period of studies
Wp – point result
Śo - the grade point average (GPA) for the entire period of studies
2. method of converting diploma grade points and oral examination grade points in Mongolian or Tibetan language for candidates with a diploma other than those listed in point no. 1
a. overall grade point on the diploma
- very good (5) - 100 points
- good plus (4+) - 92.5 points
- good (4) - 85 points
- sufficient plus (3+) - 72.5 points
- satisfactory (3) - 60 points
- grade point from the oral examination in the Mongolian or Tibetan language:
- very good (5) - 100 points
- good plus (4+) - 92.5 points
- good (4) - 85 points
- sufficient plus (3+) - 72.5 points
- satisfactory (3) - 60 points
Admission procedure for candidates with foreign diplomas
The same rules are in force as for the candidates with a diploma obtained in Poland.
The grade points of candidates with a foreign diploma will be calculated accordingly and compared with the University of Warsaw grading scale.
Checking the candidates' competence to undertake studies conducted in the English language
Candidates who do not have an appropriate document (recognized by the University of Warsaw) certifying their English language proficiency at least at level B2 have to attend additionally an interview verifying their English language proficiency. In order to let assess the level of the English language proficiency candidates shall attach scans of the necessary documents to the registration account and contact the admissions committee immediately after registration. Admissions committee approval of the required English language proficiency is a precondition for admitting the candidate to further admission procedure.
Areas of the interview: thematic scope of the interview corresponds with the subject of future studies.
During the interview the candidate will be asked two main questions:
- regarding basic data on Mongolian or Tibetan culture and language (based on Ch. P. Atwood, Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, Facts On File, 2004; M. T. Kapstein, The Tibetans, Wiley-Blackwell, 2006);
- regarding basic data on religions of Mongolia and / or Tibet (based on Ch. P. Atwood, Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, Facts On File, 2004; M. T. Kapstein, The Tibetans, Wiley-Blackwell, 2006).
Assessment criteria are: grammatical, stylistic and linguistic correctness of speech, ease of understanding and speaking in English.
A candidate may obtain max. of 100 points from an interview verifying English language proficiency. Obtaining from the interview minimally 60 points entitles the candidate to participate in the next steps of the admission procedure.
Results of an interview verifying the English language proficiency of the candidate are not included in the final score.
Date of the interview verifying the English language proficiency (if applicable): 16th of July, 2025
Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<
Date of oral examination: 16th of July, 2025
Announcement of results: 22nd of July, 2025
Reception of documents:
- I round: 23rd-25th of July, 2025
- II round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during I round): 28th-29th of July, 2025
- III round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during II round): 30th-31st of July, 2025
- additional rounds will be announced in case of not fulfilling the limits
Required documents
List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies
Additional information
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