International Management and Intercultural Communication – Global MBA, full-time, second cycle
In power from: 10 Dec 2024
Registration criteria
Admission rules for candidates with Polish and foreign diplomas
Candidates are admitted on the basis of qualification review and submitting the documents indicated below:
The application documentation must include:
a) GRE (minimum of 300) or GMAT (minimum of 500) test scores
It is absolutely necessary to provide the appropriate indicated score for the one of the above tests required during the application for the International Management and Intercultural Communication – Global MBA. Presenting the result of another test confirming knowledge of English does not exempt the candidate from this requirement.
b) the higher education diploma (MA, BA, engineer diploma or equivalent) and transcript of grades obtained during the course of study prior to the GlobalMBA covering basic aspects of the areas as follows: financial accounting, financial management, macroeconomics, microeconomics, marketing and management.
The above documents must be in Polish and English or only in English.
After submitting the complete set of required documents in the UW Internet Recruitment for Candidates System (IRK) candidates are invited to an interview.
The interview conducted in English will verify the following criteria:
communication skills in English (fluency and clarity of expression, lexical perspicuity, contribution to structuring conversation, communication skills, conducting discussions, vocabulary in the field of economics, business and related fields) – 4 points;
entrepreneurial competence (creativity, innovation mindset) – 3 points;
intercultural competence – 3 points.
The ranking list is compiled on the basis of the points obtained in the interview.
The maximum number of points to be scored in the interview: 10. Number of points at the qualification threshold: 6.
Candidates admitted by partner universities during their own selection processes will be registered in accordance with the rules set out in the Global MBA consortium agreement.
Checking the candidates' competence to undertake studies conducted in the English language
Obtaining a positive result in an interview conducted in English is a confirmation of the knowledge of English skills required at the University of Warsaw at the level of at least B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Qualification review: 10th of July, 2025
Announcement of results: 22nd of July, 2025
Reception of documents: 23rd-25th of July and 28th-31st of July 2025
The studies are payable - tuition fees
Required documents
List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies
Additional information
Find us on the map: Faculty of Management
The schedule above applies only to candidates qualified at the University of Warsaw. Candidates admitted on the basis of the qualification procedures conducted at the partner universities will be registered outside the deadlines specified above.