Graduate Programme in Political Science, full-time, second cycle
In power from: 9 Jan 2025
Registration criteria
Admission rules
Rules of eligibility for candidates transferring from another university
Transfers are made after the completion of the first year of studies.
Transfers are possible only within the same field of study and level of education. Transfers are made before the start of the academic year.
The candidate is obliged to attach the following documents to the personal recruitment account in the IRK system:
1. a reasoned request for transfer containing full correspondence address;
2. a certificate from the Dean’s office of student's parent unit containing the following information:
a. confirmation that the candidate has student rights,
b. number of completed stages (semesters) of studies, with an indication of the field of study,
c. the average of all grades earned in the hitherto course of the studies,
d. the level and form of study;
3. a list of completed subjects passed with syllabuses (subject name, number of hours, grades, ECTS credits), confirmed by the parent unit with an annotaton on the grading scale applied at the university;
4. a certificate signed by the Dean (Director) of the parent unit that the student has fulfilled all obligations resulting from the regulations in force at the student’s parent unit and has no outstanding debt;
5. documents confirming candidate's exceptional life situation if it constitutes the basis for the application for transfer.
Submitting incomplete documentation will result in a negative decision.
The decision to transfer a student within a given limit of places is made on the basis of the submitted documents, programme differences resulting from different study plans and on the basis of an oral examination conducted in English.
Zagadnienia do egzaminu zosatną podane do wiadomości kandydatów na stronie IRK.
The final result is the sum of the points obtained for the individual parts of the exam. A candidate may obtain a maximum of 30 points.
The minimum number of points needed to be qualified: 12 points
When taking up studies under the transfer procedure, the candidate shall be obliged to complete the curriculum differences resulting from the different study plans. The number of these differences may not exceed 6 examinations, pass/fail and credit passes per academic year. In particularly justified cases, when the candidate has a greater curriculum difference than 6 subjects, the Head of the Teaching Unit may decide to admit the candidate with a greater number of programme differences to be completed.
Checking candidates' competence to undertake studies conducted in the English language
The language competence of candidates who do not have a document confirming their knowledge of English at a minimum level of B2 (only the types of documents recognised by the University of Warsaw will be considered), are verified during the oral exam. A positive result of the admission procedure confirms that a candidate is qualified to study in English.
Date of the exam: 22nd-24th of July, 2025
Announcement of results: 28th of July, 2025
Reception of documents: 29th-31st of July, 2025
The studies are payable - tuition fees
Required documents
List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies
Additional information
Contact data to the admissions coordinator responsible for transfers from other universities:
Find us on the map: Faculty of Political Science and International Studies