Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology

In power from: 26 Apr 2024

Registration criteria


Schedule of the Doctoral School enrolment procedure:registration in IRK:

Recruitment fee

200 PLN

Form of the selection procedure:

Form of the selection process and the number of points that can be obtained

Two-stage process:

• Stage I: evaluation of the description of the preliminary research project and scientific activities of the candidate;

• Stage II: interview. 

Maximum number of points that can be obtained in the selection procedure – 100 points:

• Stage I – 60 points (the number of points needed to qualify to stage II – 30 points).

• Stage II – 40 points (the number of points required for entry on the list of recommended for admission – 20 points)

Language of the enrolment procedure, including interviews: 

The interview shall be carried out in Polish with parts in English or fully in English – in accordance with the candidate’s preferences indicated in the IRK

Required documents:

 The candidate shall submit the application for admission to the School only in IRK. It shall include:

Additionally, the candidate shall be obliged to submit a translation of titles of scientific achievements. In justified instances, the Recruitment Coordinator or chairperson or the secretary of the selection team may request the candidate to submit a translation of other documents or materials included in the application within the time frame set.

The declaration of the planned supervisor may be submitted by a person who remains the designated supervisor for no more than five doctoral students or persons applying for the award of a doctoral degree. The indicated number of doctoral students should include individuals in doctoral schools and participants of doctoral studies. In special cases and upon the justified request of the planned supervisor, the Director may increase this limit for the purposes of the admissions procedure.

The limit is increased only for the purposes of the admissions procedure. This means that after the candidate is accepted, it is necessary to apply to the Director with another request to change the limit. Pursuant to the School Regulations, in special cases, upon a justified request of a candidate for a supervisor, the Director, upon consultation with the Board, increases the above-mentioned limit of five people. 

Detailed information on the required documents is to be found in the Resolution on the rules of recruitment for Doctoral Schools at the University of Warsaw.

Evaluation criteria and method:

• Evaluation of the description of the preliminary research project proposal (maximum number of points – 40)

When evaluating the project, the following shall be taken into account:

– objective of the research (0-10 points);

– novelty and originality of the research project (0–10 points);

– methodology appropriate for the objective, consistency of argumentation, clarity of reasoning (0-10 points);

– state of the art and the bibliography relevant to achieving the research objective (0-10 points).

• Scientific activity of the candidate (maximum number of points – 20)

When evaluating scientific activity, the following elements, confirmed with scans, shall be taken into account:

– publications, including scientific articles, chapters in multi-author monographs, own monographs, publications in peer-reviewed international conference materials (0-8 points);

– speeches at national and international scientific conferences with the accepted paper (0-8 points);

– other elements of evaluation of the candidate’s experience and scientific achievements, such as awards, distinctions, certificates, professional experience, teaching experience, activities in students’ scientific societies, science popularisation, etc. (0-4 points).

• Interview (maximum number of points – 40)

The following shall be taken into account when evaluating the interview:

– the candidate’s competence important from the perspective of conducted research, including the relevant knowledge, e.g. most important publications on a given matter (0-20 points);

– ability to present the need for planned research and language competence, including in particular a command of the scientific language appropriate to the discipline of the research (0-20 points).

The interview shall be carried out in Polish with parts in English or fully in English – in accordance with the candidate’s preferences presented in IRK.

Condition of admission to the School    

 Obtaining at least 50 points in the whole selection process, including at least 30 points in stage I and at least 20 points in stage II of the qualification procedure.

Legal acts and document forms 

  1. Recruitment resolution - link;
  2. Ordinance on the enrolment schedule - link;
  3. Ordinance on the enrolment fee - link;
  4. Declaration by the planned supervisor - link;
  5. Declaration on delivering the diploma at a later date -link.