Degree programmes (first-cycle, second-cycle, long-cycle) - 2025/2026

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Undergraduate Programme in Political Science, full-time, first cycle

Code S1-PO-ANG
Organizational unit Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
Field of studies Political Science
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education First cycle
Educational profile academic
Language(s) of instruction English
Minimum number of students 13
Admission limit 25
Duration 3 years
Recruitment committee address
tel. (22) 55-22-986
WWW address
Required document
  • Maturity or equivalent document
  Ask a question
There is currently no active phase.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (03.02.2025 00:00 – 24.02.2025 23:59)

Undergraduate Programme in Political Science is addressed primarily to high school graduates.

The Programme is fee-paying.

The language of instruction is English.

The courses in the study programme are both theoretical (aimed at developing theoretical knowledge of political science issues, including courses preparing students to do research) as well as practical. The Programme includes mandatory courses and electives. The latter enables students to develop their individual interests in the course of studies. Particular emphasis is placed on issues related to European integration, as well as Poland and Central and Eastern Europe.

Our students, besides regular courses, actively participate in the academic life by being members of various political science associations; presenting at conferences, taking part in debates and lectures of distinguished guests from all over the world visiting our university. Social events are also important in students’ every day lives. The knowledge and skills developed during the studies allow them to win scholarships and awards in different competitions, e.g. for the best foreign students in Poland.

The programme has 6 semesters (3 years).

Classes are held from Monday to Friday from 8:00-20:00, mainly at the University of Warsaw Main Campus, Krakowskie Przedmieście St.


The graduates of the Undergraduate Programme in Political Science will acquire qualifications necessary for analysing political problems and issues. Thanks to skill building activities provided during courses, they will be well trained in the art of communication, negotiation and persuasion. In order to receive a Bachelor’s degree, the graduates will be required to write the BA thesis and pass the diploma exam.

More information at Faculty of Political Science and International Studies.







Admission rules

 Minimum number of points needed to be qualified: 50

Polish new maturity exam 2005 – 2025

 Minimum number of points needed to be qualified: 50

Obligatory subject

Polish language

basic level x 0,6
advanced level x 1

Obligatory subject


basic level x 0,6
advanced level x 1

Obligatory subject

One chosen foreign language: English, French, German,
Spanish, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Swedish, Slovak

basic level x 0,6
advanced level x 1

Obligatory subject

One of the following subjects: Modern foreign language*, Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy, Physics/Physics and astronomy, Geography, History, Computer science, Latin and ancient culture, Greek and ancient culture, Social studies, History of art, History of music

advanced level x 1

weight = 20%

weight = 25%

weight = 30%

weight = 25%

*The languages in columns 3 and 4 must be different

Points are calculated as follows:

W = a * P + b * M + c * J + d * X


W – the final result;
P – result from Polish language;
M – result from Mathematics;
J – result from foreign language on advanced level
X - result from additional subject on advanced level
a, b, c, d – weights.

Important information for candidates with the foreign language exam result at bilingual level. >> Check! <<

Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<

Candidates whose result in the English language at the advanced level in the Polish maturity exam („new maturity diploma”) is lower than 60% are obliged to upload on their registration account in the IRK system (section “Education” – “Certificates and other documents required to start studies”) one of the documents accepted by the University of Warsaw certifying their competence in English (see the above list) and contact the Admissions Commission.

Old maturity exam

 Minimum number of points needed to be qualified: 50

Obligatory subject

Polish language

basic level x 0,6
advanced level x 1
undefined level x 0,8

Obligatory subject


basic level x 0,6
advanced level x 1
undefined level x 0,8

Obligatory subject

One chosen foreign language: English, French, German,
Spanish, Italian, Russian

basic level x 0,6
advanced level x 1
undefined level x 0,8

Obligatory subject

One of the following subjects: Modern foreign language*, Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy, Physics, Geography, History, Computer science, Latin and ancient culture, Social studies, History of art, History of music

advanced level x 1
undefined level x 0,8

weight = 20%

weight = 25%

weight = 30%

weight = 25%

*The languages in columns 3 and 4 must be different

Points are calculated as follows:

W = a * P + b * M + c * J + d * X


W – the final result;
P – result from Polish language;
M – result from Mathematics;
J – result from foreign language;
X - result from additional subject;
a, b, c, d – weights.

Maturity exam after 1991

grade 6 = 100%
grade 5 = 90%
grade 4 = 75%
grade 3 = 50%
grade 2 = 30%

Maturity exam until 1991

grade 5 = 100%
grade 4 = 85%
grade 3 = 40%

Important information for candidates with Polish old maturity exam. >> Check! <<

Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<


International Baccalaureate (IB)

 Minimum number of points needed to be qualified: 50

Obligatory subject

Polish language
language A*
literature and performance*

standard level (SL) x 0,6
higher level (HL) x 1

Obligatory subject


standard level (SL) x 0,6
higher level (HL) x 1

Obligatory subject

Modern foreign language

standard level (SL) x 0,6
higher level (HL) x 1

Obligatory subject

One of the following subjects: Modern foreign language**, Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy, Physics, Geography, History, Computer science, Latin, Classic Greek, Management, Economics, Psychology, Anthropology, Politics, Information technology in a global society (ITGS)/ Digital society, Subject from the "Art" group

or subjects listed in a col. 4 of the table for candidates with Polish new maturity exam 2005-2025***

higher level (HL) x 1

weight = 20%

weight = 25%

weight = 30%

weight = 25%

*In case of lack of the Polish language; the languages in columns 1 and 3 must be different
**In column 4 candidate cannot indicate language from columns 1 and 3
***In the case of candidates with a certificate of passing the secondary school leaving examination issued by OKE
Points are calculated as follows:

W = a * P + b * M + c * J + d * X


W – the final result;
P – result from Polish language;
M – result from Mathematics;
J – result from foreign language;
X - result from additional subject;
a, b, c, d – weights.

The IB results will be converted according to the table below:

7 = 100%
6 = 90%
5 = 75%
4 = 60%
3 = 45%
2 = 30%

Important information for candidates with IB and EB. >> Check! <<

Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<


European Baccalaureate (EB)

 Minimum number of points needed to be qualified: 50

Obligatory subject

Polish language
L1 language*

basic level x 0,6
advanced level x 1

Obligatory subject


basic level x 0,6
advanced level x 1

Obligatory subject

Modern foreign language

basic level x 0,6
advanced level x 1

Obligatory subject

One of the following subjects: Modern foreign language**, Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy, Physics, Geography, History, Computer science, Latin, Classic Greek, Economics, Arts, Music, Sociology

advanced level x 1

weight = 20%

weight = 25%

weight = 30%

weight = 25%

*In case of lack of Polish language; the languages in columns 1 and 3 must be different
**In column 4 candidate cannot indicate language from columns 1 and 3

Points are calculated as follows:

W = a * P + b * M + c * J + d * X


W – the final result;
P – result from Polish language;
M – result from Mathematics;
J – result from foreign language;
X - result from additional subject;
a, b, c, d – weights.

The EB results will be converted according to the table below:

9,00 - 10,00 = 100%
8,00 - 8,99 = 90%
7,50 - 7,99 = 75%
7,00 - 7,49 = 60%
6,00 - 6,99 = 45%
5,00 - 5,99 = 30%

Important information for candidates with IB and EB. >> Check! <<

Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<


Foreign diploma

 Minimum number of points needed to be qualified: 50

Obligatory subject

Polish language
original language of maturity (high school) exam

Obligatory subject


Obligatory subject

Modern foreign language**

Obligatory subject

One of the following subjects: Modern foreign language***, History, Social studies, Management, Economics, Psychology, Anthropology, Politics, Geography, Philosophy, Latin, Classic Greek, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Computer science, History of art, History of music, Sociology

weight = 20%

weight = 25%

weight = 30%

weight = 25%

*In case of lack of Mathematics, one subject to choose: Economics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Computer Science.
** In case of lack of Modern foreign language: the original language of maturity (high school) exam from column 1 can be indicated in column 3.
*** In column 4 candidate cannot indicate foreign language from columns 1 and 3.

Points are calculated as follows:

W = a * P + b * M + c * J + d * X


W – the final result
P – result from Polish or original language
M – result from Mathematics
J – result from modern foreign language
X - result from additional subject
a, b, c, d – weights.

Calculation of candidates high school diploma results. >> Check! <<

Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<


Checking candidates' competence to undertake studies conducted in the English language 

Candidates are obliged to hold one of the documents accepted by the University of Warsaw, certifying their competence in the English language at least at the B2 level.

Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<



Announcement of results: 10th of March, 2025

Reception of documents: 

  • I round: 11th-13th of March, 2025
  • II round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during I round): 14th, 17th of March, 2025
  • III round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during II round): 18th-19th of March, 2025
  • additional rounds will be announced in case of not fulfilling the limits



Application fee

Student's ID payment (ELS)

The studies are payable - tuition fees


Required documents

List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies


Additional information

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