Degree programmes (first-cycle, second-cycle, long-cycle) - 2025/2026

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Cognitive Science, full-time, second cycle

Organizational unit Faculty of Psychology
Field of studies Cognitive Science
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education Second cycle
Educational profile academic
Language(s) of instruction English
Minimum number of students 10
Admission limit 32
Duration 2 years
Recruitment committee address
tel. (22) 55-49-845
WWW address
Required document
  • Higher education
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There is currently no active phase.

Upcoming phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (05.06.2025 00:00 – 09.07.2025 23:59)
  • Phase 2 (19.08.2025 00:00 – 11.09.2025 23:59)

Programme outlines

Second-cycle studies in Cognitive Science in English are a continuation of first-cycle studies in Cognitive Science conducted in Polish by the University of Warsaw. The curriculum content of the first-cycle program forms the basis for further development of students' knowledge and skills during second-cycle studies. At the same time, the programme is structured in a way that graduates of other fields of studies can also take part in it, provided that they fulfil differences in competences.

The second-cycle Cognitive Science programme is significantly more advanced than the first-cycle program, as well as more specific. It focuses on two areas (in the form of two "thematic paths") of empirical research in cognitive science and related sciences. After the first semester, students choose one of the paths which programme becomes obligatory for them.

  1. Within the neurocognitive path, students gain in-depth theoretical and methodological knowledge of the cerebral basis (and broader - biological) of cognitive processes, the use of modern techniques for studying brain activity as well as planning and analyzing research while using them. While learning about modern methods of supporting development and education, diagnosis and rehabilitation, students also learn how to use new technologies to improve the cognitive functioning of people.
  2. As part of the computational path, students gain in-depth knowledge and skills in the basics and methods of modelling cognitive, language and social, processes. Emphasis is placed on the human behaviour and its products as well as on the cultural, environmental factors determining it. Hence the stress is put on the natural language and its processing in this path. Creating computational models explaining cognitive and social phenomena (eg. decision making), analysis of data, data mining and natural language processing are skills that are more and more demanded on the labour market.

Obligatory introductory courses (26% ECTS) and the choice of one of two paths (13% ECTS) ensure the necessary minimum level of skills that a modern cognitive scientist should be equipped with. At the same time, there is a high level of flexibility and freedom in shaping students' own course of study (over 50% of ECTS), which also allows interested students to fully or partially complete both paths.

A particularly important feature of the Master's in Cognitive Science programme is that regardless of the path chosen, the education is closely related to the research conducted by the participating teams and it is in cooperation with the companies offering internships. Thus the students participate in the work of selected teams and external companies (26% ECTS) gaining practical experience.

Another unique feature of the curriculum is the individual approach to students by introducing a tutor from the first year. The tutor is to analyze student's previous experience and to select appropriate "compensatory" courses, as well as other individual forms of activity (readings, Internet courses), which will allow the students to make up for possible shortcomings.

Important information

Classes and lectures take place in the building of the Faculty of Psychology at Stawki Street and in the "Ochota" campus. The courses are conducted by research workers from the Faculty of Psychology, Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, Faculty of Modern Languages, Center of New Technologies and also from Polish Academy od Sciences.

Description of the study programme can be found at:

Competences of the graduate

Second-cycle studies in Cognitive Science in English are to prepare primarily for scientific and research work, in the R&D sector, in companies developing new technologies. Through the participation in the work of research teams and through internships in companies from the R&D sector, students have the opportunity to gain experience in conducting research, applying appropriate methods, research techniques and new technologies. Second-cycle studies in Cognitive Science provide an opportunity to acquire skills valued by employers on the modern international labour market, such as creation of computational models of cognitive and social phenomena (e.g. decision making), data mining, natural language processing, as well as creation of technologies supporting education, rehabilitation, development and technical solutions aimed at helping people with disabilities.


Limit of places

20 places in the Phase 1 (June/July)

12 places in the Phase 2 (August/September)


Admission rules for candidates with Polish diplomas

1) Eligibility rules

Applicants with a Bachelor's, Master's, Engineer's or equivalent degree in any field of study may apply for admission to second-cycle studies in Cognitive Science. Recruitment is a two-stage process. The first stage verifies knowledge of the contents of selected textbooks in Cognitive Science, and the second stage verifies understanding and critical analysis of selected scientific texts (articles). A candidate's score below the eligibility threshold in either stage of the recruitment procedure results in the final total score of 0 (zero) points.

a) Written exam

Candidates take a written qualifying exam in the form of an online test in English. The written exam covers the content of the readings (textbooks in cognitive science), a list of which will be published on the Internet Recruitment of Candidates website and on the study website.

The maximum possible score in the test is 100. Candidates with the best results, whose number does not exceed twice the current quota of places, will be qualified for the next stage, with the requirement of obtaining at least 50% in the test.

b) Oral exam

The oral exam is conducted online in English and concerns one of the scientific articles read by the candidate, a list of which will be published on the Internet Recruitment of Candidates website and on the study website.

The examination board can award a maximum of 50 points for each of the following aspects of the candidate’s performance:
- comprehension of a scientific paper;
- its critical analysis.

To assess whether candidates have read the paper with understanding, the examination board will ask questions requiring the candidate to explain the hypotheses posed in the paper, their grounding in theory, the research methods used, or statistical analyses applied.

In order to assess whether candidates are able to reflect critically on the text they have read, they will be asked to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the study presented in the paper and to formulate a personal opinion on it, together with arguments to justify the candidate's opinion.

The maximum score in the oral exam is 100. Within the current quota of places, candidates with the highest total scores (written exam score plus oral exam score) will be admitted to the programme, with a minimum of obtaining at least 60% in the oral exam.


Admission rules for candidates with foreign diplomas

The same rules apply as for candidates with a diploma obtained in Poland.


Checking the candidates' competence to undertake studies conducted in the English language

Applicants are required to provide a document, recognised by the University of Warsaw, confirming their knowledge of English on at least B2 level.

Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<



Date of written exam: 14th of July, 2025
Date of oral exam: 16th-17th of July, 2025

Announcement of results: 22nd of July, 2025

Reception of documents: 

  • I round: 23rd-25th of July, 2025
  • II round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during I round): 28th-29th of July, 2025
  • III round (in case of not fulfilling the limit during II round): 30th-31st of July, 2025



Application fee

Student's ID payment (ELS)

The studies are payable for citizens of Non-UE/EFTA countries (EEA parties) and Switzerland - tuition fees


Required documents

List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies


Additional information

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