Code | S1-FLAJ |
Organizational unit | Faculty of Modern Languages |
Field of studies | English Studies |
Form of studies | Full-time |
Level of education | First cycle |
Educational profile | academic |
Language(s) of instruction | English |
Duration | 3 years |
Recruitment committee address | tel. 22 55 31 419 |
WWW address | |
Required document | |
Ask a question |
English Studies – Linguistics
The programme English Studies – Linguistics comprises many disciplines. During their first year, students are given an overview of the subjects belonging within the domain of English Studies: they take classes in the literature, history and culture of the Anglophone countries, and classes devoted to linguistics. The latter make them aware of the fact that modern linguistics is a discipline researching, among others: the relationship between language and the human brain, diversity of language varieties, the role of language in artificial intelligence systems, communication in traditional and modern media, language change, or translation of texts of many kinds. If they are interested in those fields of research, they may choose the English Studies – Linguistics programme. They prepare their bachelor’s theses in linguistics and the bachelor’s diploma explicitly states that they are specialists in linguistics.
Linguistics is interdisciplinary by nature, contributing to and drawing on the experience of sociology, pedagogy, psychology, communication studies, and other branches of research. In addition to core, i.e. major, subjects students also have a chance to take courses in literature, culture and social studies as their minor, depending on their interests.
Thanks to English being the exclusive language of instruction, students considerably develop their language competence. They get acquainted with the literature, culture and history of the Anglosphere and, first and foremost, they study the topics within linguistics, such as social and regional varieties of language, multilingualism, communication in a variety of contexts, problems involved in translation, corpus and computational linguistics, language modeling for AI, and others.
Students decide about how to compose the content of their education on their own, by choosing from the offer of courses those subjects that they consider most suitable for their future education and career needs. They are also equipped with soft skills in order to facilitate their successful performance in the job market.
The programme also gives students the opportunity to additionally (outside the curriculum) take part in teacher training and take the courses necessary to obtain qualifications to teach English as a foreign language at all levels. Under current Polish regulations full teaching qualifications can be conferred upon holders of MA diplomas, but the training may be completed at the BA level.
All classes are conducted in English.
The Institute of English Studies is famous for its unique course system (for both the English Studies – Literature and Culture and English Studies – Linguistics programmes), allowing students to tailor the classes they take to their needs by choosing from the bulk of courses offered by the Institute those that are in accordance with their own interests and preferences. Practical English teaching uses modern and effective methods.
Both programmes are full-time, with teaching days from Monday to Friday, and are free from tuition fees. The seat of the Institute is the modern building of the Faculty of Modern Languages at 55 Dobra street, Warsaw.
Zasady kwalifikacji
Przeniesienia dotyczą kandydatów studiujących filologię angielską na innych uczelniach.
Przeniesienia są możliwe tylko na 2 i 3 rok studiów.
Przyjęcie z uwzględnieniem następujących kryteriów:
- średnia ocen ze studiów,
- liczba przedmiotów do uzupełnienia wynikająca z różnic programowych.
Decyduje wysokość średniej ocen, przy czym różnice programowe nie powinny wynosić więcej niż 6 (sześć) przedmiotów.
Sprawdzenie kompetencji kandydatów do studiowania w języku angielskim
Kandydat przedstawia jeden z honorowanych przez UW certyfikatów na poziomie B2.
Zasady przeniesienia dla kandydatów z zagranicznych uczelni są takie same jak dla kandydatów z uczelni polskich.
Wymagania dotyczące znajomości języka angielskiego. >> Otwórz stronę! <<
Ogłoszenie wyników: 22 lipca 2025 r.
Przyjmowanie dokumentów:
- I termin: 23-25 lipca 2025 r.
- II termin (w przypadku niewypełnienia limitu miejsc w pierwszym terminie): 28-29 lipca 2025 r.
- III termin (w przypadku niewypełnienia limitu miejsc w drugim terminie): 30-31 lipca 2025 r.
- kolejne terminy wyznaczone przez komisję rekrutacyjną, w przypadku niewypełnienia limitu miejsc w poprzednich terminach
Opłata za wydanie legitymacji studenckiej (ELS)
Wymagane dokumenty
Lista dokumentów wymaganych do złożenia w formie papierowej w przypadku zakwalifikowania na studia
Dodatkowe informacje
Koordynator ds. rekrutacji w trybie przeniesienia z innej uczelni:
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