Transfers from other universities for first-cycle, second-cycle and long-cycle Master-level studies 2025/2026

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European Politics and Economics, full-time, first cycle

Code S1-PEE
Organizational unit Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
Field of studies European Politics and Economics
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education First cycle
Educational profile academic
Language(s) of instruction English
Duration 3 years
Recruitment committee address
tel. (22) 55-22-986
WWW address
Required document
  • Maturity or equivalent document
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There is currently no active phase.

Upcoming phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (09.06.2025 00:00 – 18.07.2025 23:59)

The European Politics and Economics programme is addressed to students interested in economic and political integration, the functioning of the European Union, EU law and the EU internal market, particularly with respect to the economy, finance and detailed policy. The programme covers the structure, competences and activities of the European Union, its impact on Member States, and the mutual relations between them.

A unique feature of the programme is that it is run jointly by two faculties at Warsaw University: the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies and the Faculty of Economic Sciences. Due to this cooperation, the programme emphasises economic premises and the consequences of European integration. This well-developed economic component clearly differentiates this programme from other European studies programmes offered in Poland. The entire programme is conducted in English.

Students of the European Politics and Economics programme are given the opportunity to learn from distinguished Europeanists, political scientists, economists and lawyers, both theoreticians and practitioners. The teaching staff includes lecturers who have worked in government ministries, think tanks, foreign institutions, the media, and business. The programme covers the reasons for and the course of European integration, in terms of economics, politics, institutions and the law. Students learn about the successive stages in the process of integration, analyse historical texts (political speeches, declarations, acts of law) as well as trade databases, examine various conceptions of EU development, and forecast and interpret the opportunities, challenges and threats the EU faces. They are also encouraged to critically evaluate the political and economic consequences of European integration, and to take part in the ongoing debate over the final form of a united Europe and the Union’s territorial limits.

Students also acquire knowledge on international economics, the functioning of trade, and on international capital, labour and currency markets. They are introduced to the processes of currency and economic integration in the EU, and the impact these have on private and public entities. Students participate in workshop-type lessons, simulations of the work of EU institutions, Oxford-style debates, and round tables. A variety of audiovisual tools are used in class (Survey Monkey, Kahoot, Playfacilte,, Prezi, Bookcreator, etc.).

Employment prospects

Graduates of the programme come out with basic knowledge on the functioning of the various and multifaceted spheres of European politics, which enables them to: understand the dynamics of political, economic, legal and social changes at the national and supranational levels; work out decision-making strategies; and analyse the positions, approaches and conduct of participants in integration processes, as well as the mutual relations among them and their interactions with other entities (stakeholders) in social and economic life.

Graduates are also knowledgeable about the economic aspects of the functioning of the European Union and the implementation of EU policies. The programme provides an interdisciplinary education combining elements from the social, economic and legal sciences in the area of European studies.

The programme prepares people both substantively and linguistically to conduct business activity on the EU market, and to work in lobbying or consulting firms, in public administration at the government and local government levels, as officials of EU institutions or agencies or in international structures, in non-governmental organisations, in the media, and in cultural institutions active in European marketing.

About the Faculty

The Faculty of Political Science and International Studies is the oldest and largest political science center in Poland. For many years, the fields of study run by WNPiSM have been awarded the title of the best in Poland (e.g. in the Perspektywy ranking).

More information about the programme: click here

Faculty website:


Admission rules

Rules of eligibility for candidates transferring from another university

Transfers are made after the completion of the first year of studies.

Transfers are possible only within the same field of study and level of education. Transfers are made before the start of the academic year.

The candidate is obliged to attach the following documents to the personal recruitment account in the IRK system:

  1. a reasoned request for transfer containing full correspondence address;
  2. a certificate from the Dean’s office of student's parent unit containing the following information:
    a) confirmation that the candidate has student rights,
    b) number of completed stages (semesters) of studies, with an indication of the field of study,
    c) the average of all grades earned in the hitherto course of the studies,
    d) the level and form of study;
  3. a list of completed subjects passed with syllabuses (subject name, number of hours, grades, ECTS credits), confirmed by the parent unit with an annotaton on the grading scale applied at the university;
  4. a certificate signed by the Dean (Director) of the parent unit that the student has fulfilled all obligations resulting from the regulations in force at the student’s parent unit and has no outstanding debt;
  5. documents confirming candidate's exceptional life situation if it constitutes the basis for the application for transfer.

Submitting incomplete documentation will result in a negative decision.

The decision to transfer a student within a given limit of places is made on the basis of the submitted documents, programme differences resulting from different study plans and on the basis of an oral examination conducted in English.

The topics for the examination will be announced to candidates on the IRK website.

A candidate can obtain a maximum of 30 points.

The minimum number of points needed to be qualified: 12 points

When taking up studies under the transfer procedure, the candidate shall be obliged to complete the curriculum differences resulting from the different study plans. The number of these differences may not exceed 6 examinations, pass/fail and credit passes per academic year. In particularly justified cases, when the candidate has a greater curriculum difference than 6 subjects, the Head of the Teaching Unit may decide to admit the candidate with a greater number of programme differences to be completed.


Checking Candidates' competence to undertake studies conducted in the English language 

Candidates are obliged to hold an accepted by the UW document confirming the English language knowledge at least at B2 level.

Information on documents certifying knowledge of the English language. >> Check! <<



Date of the exam: 22nd-24th of July, 2025

Announcement of results: 28th of July, 2025

Reception of documents: 29th-31st of July, 2025



Student's ID payment (ELS)

The studies are payable - tuition fees


Required documents

List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies


Additional information

Contact data to the admissions coordinator responsible for transfers from other universities: 

Find us on the map: Faculty of Political Science and International Studies