Centre for Europe
Address | 02-653 Warszawa, Al. Niepodległości 22 |
Phone number | 55-33-301, 646-05-36 |
USOSweb page | go to USOSweb |
WWW portal | http://www.ce.uw.edu.pl |
Transfers from other universities for first-cycle, second-cycle and long-cycle Master-level studies 2025/2026
The offer displayed on this page is limited to the selected registration. If you want to see the rest of the offer, select a different registration.
Address | 02-653 Warszawa, Al. Niepodległości 22 |
Phone number | 55-33-301, 646-05-36 |
USOSweb page | go to USOSweb |
WWW portal | http://www.ce.uw.edu.pl |