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Please select a registration you're interested in. This will allow the system to display an offer more suiting your expectations.
Joint Study Programmes
Joint Study Programmes
Degree programmes (first-cycle, second-cycle, long-cycle) - 2025/2026
Application process to studies for the academic year 2025/2026
Admission for postgraduate studies 2025/2026
As part of the recruitment you can apply for admission to postgraduate studies conducted in the academic year 2025/2026
Transfers from other universities for first-cycle, second-cycle and long-cycle Master-level studies 2025/2026
Transfers from other universities
Admission for RPL 2025/2026
Rekrutacja na podstawie potwierdzanie efektów uczenia się zdobytych poza edukacją formalną
4EU+ Alliance 2024/2025
During the enrolment period students and PhD candidates from 4EU+ partner universities are able to register for courses and other educational modules on offer
Registration for short-term studies 2024/2025
Registration for short-term studies
Double or multiple degree programmes 2024/2025
Double or multiple degree programmes
Foundation Year
Foundation Year 2024/2025
Joint Study Programmes
Joint Study Programmes
Courses and Training
W ramach rekrutacji można ubiegać się o przyjęcie na kursy i szkolenia prowadzone przez Uniwersytet Warszawski
Degree programmes (second-cycle) - admission for the summer semester 2024/2025
Application process to studies for the summer semester of the academic year 2023/2024
Admission for postgraduate studies 2024/2025
As part of the recruitment you can apply for admission to postgraduate studies conducted in the academic year 2024/2025
Pathway to UW programme
Pathway to UW programme
(registration protected by access code
Admission for Doctoral Schools 2024/2025
Application process to studies for the academic year 2024/2025
Admission for Doctoral Schools 2024/2025 - extra limit addmission
Application process to studies for the academic year 2024/2025
(registration protected by access code
Foundation Year
Foundation Year 2023/2024
Language courses and certification exams
Lektoraty i egzaminy certyfikacyjne z języków obcych